The Grand Admiral is an essential driving force behind the overall operations and conducts of the Systems Alliance, including external coalition relations, essential operations vital to continuity, and the expansion and integration in various systems. The Grand Admiral is the head of the Systems Alliance and is responsible for our operations as a whole. He also plays an active role in our fleet, utilising our flagship, The SAS Archon-Remus, he is able to control and command the battle and any operations from his mobile command centre, along with his trusty advisors, ensuring our essential tactical operations are always ahead of the game.
Our two Vice Admirals are responsible for two sectors of the Systems Alliance. One being combat operations, and the other, logistics, industrial and science operations. These Two sectors form the bulk of our operations and this tight and small command structure allows the Grand Admiral to always remain the superior authority behind all operations, without the need for lengthy communications with various commanders. Our Vice Admirals also act as advisors to the Grand Admiral in essential operations along with our Rear Admirals. Our Vice Admirals are essential to the continuity of the Systems Alliance in that they are a governing body capable of commanding and controlling the Systems Alliance in the absence of the Grand Admiral. This allows us to continue operations with minimal confusion.
Our Rear Admirals are ex-UEE officials with decades of experience advising and driving the various divisions of the UEE. Their expertise is essential to our tactical operations, and they regularly convene along with our Agents, Vice Admirals and the Grand Admiral in what we call the “T1 Summit”. This summit a crucial factor in the direction of the Systems Alliance and its operations overall. The Rear Admirals are also a redundancy barrier, in that they are able to assume control and lead operations in the event both the Vice Admirals and Grand Admiral is unavailable.

Our Agents play an integral role in the operations and relations of the Systems Alliance. They are responsible for the communications and relations of our coalitions, affiliations, and intelligence networks. These ambassadors of the Alliance regularly convene with Agents of other organisations and our affiliations to ascertain and exchange information and intelligence. Agents do not play an active role in combat and instead rely on a diplomatic solution to any confrontations. They play a crucial role in the peaceful resolution of disputes and regularly attend the “T1 Summits” to advise the Grand Admiral on the different paths of peaceful negotiation and resolution.
Agents are an essential “point of contact” between the Systems Alliance, its affiliates, and extensive intelligence and communications networks.


Our Fleet Command is made up of our Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals and are responsible for the communicating of operational assignments and instructions to our Fleet Captains. They are a conglomeration of experienced leaders who are capable of receiving instruction from the Grand Admiral and interpreting these into action. They are responsible for the operations of our various division and ships within our fleet. The Fleet command plays an integral role in the organisation of our divisions and often swaps ground-forces to various ships depending on assignments. This swapping of resources means divisions are often divided further, and the Fleet command is reliant on our Commanders to ascertain new call-signs and organise these new divisions.
The Grand Admiral will communicate operational instructions and goals for various tasks to the Vice Admirals, who will then communicate with the Rear Admirals to provide a clear and consise operational objective, and strategy for achieving the goals set by the Grand Admiral.
Rear Admirals are essential advisors to the Vice Admirals in terms of operational tactics and procedures. Their main objective when presented a strategy is to find flaws and improve on this. This assures the Systems Alliance will always maintain a tactical and combative advantage, knowing when and how to strike and when to hold back for the greatest impact.

Our Specialists are highly trained and highly experience personnel and we employ many different Specialists ranging from various disciplines such as combat, logistics, and science. The specialists are always assigned a team under a leader such as a Commander or Captain and are responsible for the conduct of their respective teams. Specialists will mostly be kept within the same teams due to the bond they form within their respective teams, ensuring effective leadership and better communication. Specialists are tasked with the communication of orders, goals and instruction to their teams and are responsible for the effective completion of any tasks put to them, whilst ensuring precision and efficiency is always at the core of all they do. Specialists are the go-to people should any personnel have any problems, or questions and must always ensure their teams are motivated, organised, and prepared. They are the in-house managers of their respective teams.

Commanders are the managers of the Systems Alliance, and each one is tasked with the control, management, and precise completion of any contracts and assignments. Our four Commanders control two sectors of the Alliance each, and it is their responsibility to communicate with other Commanders and Captains to ensure contracts are completed with precision and efficiency, with minimal collateral damage. Each Commander plays an active role in our operations can often be found on-board various vessels throughout our fleet. This allows them greater accuracy and communication with their teams. Commanders are responsible for the health and safety and well-being of all personnel under their command during operations, and they regularly communicate with our many Specialists to ensure their teams are always ready and able.

Our Flight Corps plays a crucial role in the tactical operations of the Systems Alliance. They operate semi-autonomously fulfilling various tasks in aid of the defence of the UEE and humanity as a whole. Ensuring law abiding citizens are protected and they regularly undertake patrol assignments to ensure a Systems Alliance presence is always maintained where needed. They are highly experienced combat fighters with thousands of hours logged in their respective vehicles and are able to undertake a multitude of tasks ranging from escort, to patrol and everything in-between. Our Pilots are highly trained in combat tactics and remain vigilant, ensuring they are always at the ready when the call comes. Our Flight Corps answers to various leaders depending on significance, and always able to undertake tasks put to them. They are the protecting force behind our operations ensuring us space superiority where its needed the most.

Our Marines come from a highly experienced and intensely trained group. Undergoing training under the supervision of UEE officials, They are highly adept at even the most hardened combat scenarios and are able to achieve any and all goals and targets put to them. Our Marines are outfitted with top-of-the-line armour utilising a highly classified ballistic weave composite ensuring security and safety should they receive a direct hit. Each Marine has been hand-picked by their respective Specialists to ensure combat effectiveness and precision. Marines are the driving force behind our ground and close quarters operations and are their effectiveness is unparalleled. In conjunction with combat operations our Marines are also highly trained and experienced in humanitarian aid scenarios and are capable of acting as armed search and rescue teams in the event a ground presence is required.

Our Black-Ops personnel can boast a long and varied history within the UEE and independent republics alike. Although their operations, specifications, identity, and load-out are all highly classified, we can say that they are able, efficient, precise, and never fail in their assignments. Utilising a highly classified form of stealth/ballistic weave developed by our teams in R&D, they able to get close without being seen. All of our Black-Ops personnel are also highly trained in electronic manipulation and infiltration, allowing us access to various forms of data which we can then use to advance our tactical operations. Although our Black-Ops personnel are not assassins, they are well adaptable, and posses the means to carry out such an assignment. This Division is not available via contracts and will instead be assigned or tasked with the completion of a contract should any situation deem it necessary. All commands to the Black-Ops division come directly from their Commander.
The Systems Alliance Tactical Security group reserves the right to withhold all information relating to its "Black-Ops" division and all atempts at informational requests will be denied. The information provided is not a full or accurate description and is merely a snippet in order to advertise our services.

Our Tac-Ops division consists of two sectors. Ground-forces are utilised for boarding, and tactical operations either ship-to-ship or planet-side. Utilising various techniques such as ambush, sweeps, and reconnaissance. Our Tactical Flight Ops consists of various vessels capable of technological warfare such as quantum snaring and dampening, and electro magnetic pulse weaponry to disable opposing ship weaponry and shields.
The Systems Alliance employs a sizeable tactical ground operations force capable of ensuring assignments are fulfilled with efficiency and precision. With many tools at their disposal, they are capable of various operations from ship-to-ship boarding and securing, to ground recon and installation acquisitions. They are the Elite of the Marines.
The Systems Alliance utilises various technological warfare vessels for its operations. Most notably, we posses an RSI Mantis, capable of pulling any vessels within its reach out of quantum travel and disabling its quantum drive ensuring the vessel cannot escape. Our Mantis class vessel comes equipped with 2 x S3 Suckerpunch Distortion Cannons for sustained fire in an attempt to disable the opposing ships shields without dealing physical damage. We also Posses two Aegis Dynamics Avenger Warlocks capable of using its EMP drive to disable all ship electronics. These two class of ships are an essential part of our tactical warfare when it comes to ship-to-ship combat. They ensure the successful completion of operations and allows for our Tac-Ops teams to board without the risk of structural damage, in order to secure a target or the vessel.

Our captains play a crucial role in the day to day operations of the Systems Alliance. They are the backbone of our fleet which consists of mostly multi-role and multi-crewed vessels, enabling us to take our operations everywhere from planet-side excursions to deep space reconnaissance. Our captains have a small work-force at their command, from engineers and science officers, to marines, to allow for semi-autonomous operations, in line with the Systems Alliance. This allows us to spread our influence far and wide and ensures we are always able to maintain a presence as a passive deterrent, along-side the operations of any accepted contracts. Captains are the top-dogs of our fleet, second only to the Fleet Command, and all personnel on their vessels are that their command. Captains also act as a third redundancy barrier, in that they will convene and communicate via vid-comms in what we call a “R1 Summit” should High Command and Fleet command be unreachable.Captains are responsible for the safety and operational effectiveness of their vessels and the safety and well-being of all personnel on board.

Our Security division plays a crucial role in the maintaining of order on board all of our ships. Every multi-crew vessel within the Systems Alliance houses a handful of security officers. These personnel are responsible for the internal security of the vessel and remain stationed to that vessel for the duration of their term. They are also available to partake in security contracts, ensuring the protection of the contractee in any given situation, and will be armoured to such an extent. Security personnel are more prominent on board larger ships such as the SAS Archon-Remus. These personnel ensure the brig is manned and secure at all times, along-side protecting restricted areas of the ship such as engineering, captains quarters, and the bridge. They are an essential part of the order and peace on board all large vessels within the Systems Alliance.
They may also be stationed at various locations throughout the system ensuring peace and upholding the law where the UEE are unable to reach.

Our Logistics Division specialises in the transit of protected goods. All logistics personnel are combat trained and ready should our operations run into difficulty. This ensures all operations relating to logistics and industrial acquisition such as materials and/or fuel will never be disrupted. All logistics vessels are accompanied by a Logistics Specialist to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of all trades and transits. Our Logistics division is also responsible for keeping our fleet fuelled and armed when on long-duration operations. This includes weapons, ammunition and armour along with resources for our personnel. This division allows the Systems Alliance to operate as a self-sustainable force negating the need for external intervention with the possibility of damage to another vessel or the compromising of our current operations.

Our Corps of Engineers are all highly experienced personnel, ranging from engine and fuel specialists, to power-plant and grav-gen experts. These Engineers play an integral role in the operations and day to day maintenance of all vessels they serve on. Engineers are permanently stationed on the vessel of their choosing to ensure greater efficiency and layout knowledge. Each Engineer is hand-picked to ensure the best expertise and precision when undertaking work. Engineers are responsible for the maintenance of all ship-board systems such as avionics, power-generation, and power-transferals. As our Engineers deal with highly classified systems and modifications integral to our effectiveness in our operations, they are all security registered, granting them un-restricted access to all parts of the vessel they serve on, but under the condition there movements and communications are monitored. Engineers are expected to sign a “non-disclosure” agreement before being allowed to commence operations on board any vessel. This ensures the Systems Alliance will always remain ahead in terms of technology and fleet effectiveness.

The Systems Alliance Tactical Security group also employs a handful of scientific officers for our science operations. These non-combative personnel are experts in their respective fields, ranging from Environmental Scientists through to Biochemical and Technological researchers. Our Scientific operations take us to various new systems and planets and as Science Officers, it is their responsibility to report back any substantial findings. All other data collected is stored within our ship-board servers for integration into our cartography department, utilised by High Command for the planning of future operations and gives us a wider scope in conjunction with our reconnaissance operations. Our science teams are regularly tasked with Research and Development assignments to bring us new technology, materials, and knowledge that can help advance our tactical advantage. They play a key role in the advancement of our technology, for both personnel, and modifications for our vessels.

The Systems Alliance Tactical Security Group takes great pride in the care we provide for both our own forces and personnel and civillians alike. As such, we employ a number of highly experienced and specially trained medical personnel.
Our dedicated mobile operations station (the SAMOS - SCARLET WEBB) is home to many of our science and medical personnel, granting them unparralelled access to state-of-the-art scientific and medical recourses and equipment. The utilisation of these personnel along with our mobile operations station allows us to undertake a vast array of scientific and R&D assignments.
Our medical personnel are also hand-picked to esnure only the most seasoned veterans in various fields such as neurology, physics, chemistary, physiology and xeno-biology to ensure the very best results.

The Systems Alliance Tactical Security group boasts an extensive intelligence network covering various sectors from UEE right through to Banu space. Our network of intel personnel combined with our coalitional alliances allow the Systems Alliance to monitor various systems covering a vast distance without the need to maintain a presence unless necessary.
More benefits unclude dedicated information brokers accross a vast number of systems enabling us access to planetary & orbital intelligence along-side, social, political, military, vehicular, and personal surveyors utilising our 'Access2Intel' programme.
The Systems Alliance Tactical Security group reserves the right to remove any information brokers from its 'Access2Intel' programme at any time without prior notice. The Systems Alliance Tactical Security groups' 'Access2Intel' Programme is reserved for its own use exclusively and any information requested will be reviewed before any disclosure is available to any third parties or coalitional alliances.


- Diplomatic & Military Alliance -

- Logistics & Scientific Research Alliance -