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– C O N C E P T I O N –

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The Systems Alliance Initiative was first conceived in 2946 along-side the Militia Mobilisation Initiative, which granted citizens of the UEE the ability to purchase militarised equipment and vehicles, in an attempt to heighten the defence of the empire from the growing Vanduul threat along with other hostile forces. Unlike the Militia Mobilisation Initiative, which provided power in numbers, the Systems Alliance Initiative was conceived for the purpose of specialised tactics in security, utilising specialist training under the UEE military in tactics, stealth and combat, to provide effective security and law enforcement throughout the empire.

– I M P L E M E N T A T I O N –

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The Systems Alliance Initiative wasn’t implemented until 11-11-2948 after approval for funding was granted by the UEE Congress, however, The initiative was not granted any jurisdiction and was to be decided at a later hearing. Following the acquisition of a small fleet of ships and a hand-full of personnel, the work began to transform this small band of rookie soldiers into a specialist team capable of commanding the field.


– T R A I N I N G –

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Under supervision and strict guidance from top UEE officials, training commenced. Our soldiers underwent strict and extreme training, including live-fire exercises, interrogation resistance, specialist flight training, infiltration techniques, strategic operations, combat training (close-quarters and distance) and more. This specialist training allows us to fulfil our contracts and assignments with precision and efficiency, whilst helping to uphold the laws and standards required by the UEE.


– J U R I S D I C T I O N –

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After months of intense training and trials observed by the UEE Advocacy, the Systems Alliance Initiative was granted jurisdiction throughout UEE space on 1-12-2949 with extended military operational contracts as a possibility.


“on this date, the Systems Alliance Initiative shall commence operations throughout the United Empire of Earth, helping to secure and defend our freedoms, our beliefs, and uphold our laws and standards within the empire, whilst maintaining peace and order throughout our systems.”

-Senator Alons Freeman.

– C O M M E N C E M E N T –

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Commencement of operations began on 1-12-2949, just hours after jurisdiction was granted. The first assignment carried out by our team was a patrol task in the Crusader system launched from Port Olisar, lasting 6 weeks and 3 days, our task force uncovered a number of illicit activities and engagements ensued with maximum proficiency, and minimal vehicle and collateral damage. This was a founding victory for the Systems Alliance Initiative and demonstrated our precision and skill, to which the Advocacy commended. Operations are currently on-going and we continue to maintain an active presence within the Crusader system, and UEE space.

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