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Are you passionate about the advancement of technology and the defence of humanity?

Are you a driven and self-inspiring individual with charisma and a diplmocy-centric mindset? 

Are you inquisitive and want to learn the wonders of the verse?

Are you looking to leave your legecy in the verse?


Then the Systems Alliance needs YOU!


We are looking for new recruits to expand our operations. Please see below the list of positions available within our organisation, and simply fill in the provided form to apply! its that easy! Simply fill in some personal details, pick from our long list of positions, and tell us why you want to join and we will be in touch to discuss the future of the Systems Alliance.



Agents are an essential part of our diplomatic relations with our intel network and coalition partners. They are required to maintain a level of proffesionalism at all times and their main focus is to relay communications between our organisations.


Our Rear Admirals are responsible for advising the Vice Admirals. They are required to act as advisors, analysts, leaders, and act on experience and knowledge to achieve results in various projects and assignments.


As a commander, you will be responcible for various divisions and personnel under your leadership. It is your duty to guide, command, and steer your divisions to success through your 'Specialists' to ensure all targets are achieved efficiently.


As a ship captain and participant in our fleet, it is your responcibility to ensure the safety and maintainance of your vessel, and crew. Although given a great deal of autonomy, you may be required to follow commands and aswer a 'call to arms'.


As a Specialist, you will be responsible for the coaching, and welfare of personnel under your leadership. You will be required to follow your Commanders instruction and it is your duty to ensure your personnel ahcieve targets and excell in their role


As a member of our 'Flight Corps' you are responsible for the safety and maintainance of your vessel whilst undertaking patrol assignments, maintaining a presence. and when needed, engaging in combat. Advanced combat training is provided


As a member of our Marine Corps, you will be required to follow orders from your Specialist, excelling in combat operations, and working as a team with your platoon to ensure all combative operational targets are acheived safely, and efficiently.

TAC - OPS [ground]

As a member of our 'TAC-OPS' division, you will be required to operate within hostile territory, achieving targets efficiently whilst minimising sustained casualties and meeting tight deadlines. Team-work is essential and obedience, mandatory.

TAC - OPS [flight]

As a member of our 'TAC-OPS' division, you will be required to operate within hostile territory, achieving targets efficiently whilst meeting tight deadlines. You will be at the fore-front of our combat operations providing essential tactical superiority where it counts.


As a Security officer, you are responsible for peace-keeping on board various vessels within our fleet. You are the last line of defence. You may be required to operate within UEE jurisdiction where applicable whilst maintain the peace among the local populace.


As an Engineer, you are responsible for the maintainance and upkeep of various systems, on-board vessels, and on the ground at our installations. You may also be required to accompany Marines planet-side should your skills be required.


As a Logistics officer, you must meet tight deadlines and time-frames, achieving targets with unparalleled success. Although operating autonomously, you may be required to engage in combat during internal R&R operations to support our fleet.


As a Science Officer with the Systems Alliance, you will be given a great freedom of choice from varying fields of professions. It will be your duty to analyse, gather data, and compile said data into a 'data core' for integration into our archives. You may be required to give advice in your respective profession in any given situation.


The study of planets, stars, and the universe.


The study of materials, substances and reactions.


The study of physics within an environment.


The study of living things and organisms


The study of varying eco-systems and their impact.


The study of sediment, stone, and tectonics and their impact.


The study of extraterestrial life and physiology.


The study of extraterestrial cultures and their soceo-economic impact


The study of the human brain and behaviour .


The study of technology with a focus on advancement.


The application of Analysis to influence and determine desired results


As a Medic within the Systems Alliance, you will be responsible for the safety, well-bieng, and health of any civilians or personnel brought under your care. Your primary focus is the health of all under your care and it is your duty to achieve results. You may be required to operate within enemy territory and during combat.


As an intelligence broker, you will not be directly affiliated with the Systems Alliance, and complete autonomy is an essential skill in this role. You will be required to liase with our 'Agents' and inform them of any information you may have gathered. Your primary focus is the reporting of the social and military presence in the area.

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©2950 by the Systems Alliance Tactical Security group


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